Thursday, September 03, 2009


The last 2 weeks and next 2 weeks are and have been crazy busy at the church. It's been an incredible time of investment into the next generation of leaders as we've hosted The Mix and Surge in the main worship center. So, needless to say, I have had some relatively late nights in preparation and rehearsals.

This morning I was at a "meeting," well to be completely honest we were talking ministry while we fished for black bass, when I got a text from my wife that said "Gavin just said to Kamryn, 'I saw daddy last night...He came home last night. Isn't that funny Kamryn?'" This follows up a conversation that my wife and I had a couple of nights ago during which she brought to my attention that the only time I truly "disconnect" is when I'm in on vacation in the mountains of New Mexico. She said I was connected 24/7.

There is so much truth to that in that I am constantly connected and almost feed off that connection. My iphone is always at my side. I don't like to miss an email or txt as that may mean I'm "out of the loop." And too often, I sit on the couch at home with my laptop and iphone...distracted and disconnected from what I need to be connected family. I wonder how many moments I've missed because of my disconnection?

When I'm at home, it's time to disconnect, and reconnect...know what I mean?