Barnes and Noble...HUGE disappointment!
This afternoon, my wife and I took our kids to Barnes & Noble for an afternoon of perusing potential book purchases. While I was digging in the business section looking at books on guerilla marketing (I know that gives you that tingly feeling too!), Richelle took Kamryn and Gavin to the kids' section so that Kamryn could pretend like she knew how to read and describe pictures at the top of her lungs. After I found what I was looking for, I soon joined them. As we were walking over to the stage area so that Kamryn could entertain the store with her renditions of Yanci's Christmas Eve performance at AAC, Kelly Clarkson's "Since You Been Gone," and some song from The Wiggles, I looked down and saw that B&N stocked their children's book section with an assortment of books on witchcraft, sorcery, and spell casting. This seriously disturbed me as one of the books spoke of summoning elves, spirits, and fairies. It also gave directions on casting spells on others. I mean, come on! What child needs to be reading this crap? I'm highly circumspect of the whole Harry Potter rage...this takes it to a whole new level. As Terry Storch questioned his paying 20-30% more to buy a book there, I too question why parents would by those books for their kids.
Hey, on a side note - my kids LOVE the Wiggles. In a goofy way I love a song called, "Gonna Take A Bus Ride"... they play on the show. Maybe Richelle knows what I'm talking about. It's on the Disney Channel.
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